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Conrad Cockatoo is a one-shot character who appeared in the episode "Flash the Wonder Dog" from the animated television show, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. He was voiced by Jim Cummings.


He is a cockatoo parrot actor who stars in a TV show called Flash the Wonder Dog in which he played a heroic bird sidekick of the titular hero who helped him fight crime. After Flash was dognapped by Fat Cat and his gang, framed for crimes he didn't commit (actually, Fat Cat and his gang in Flash disguises), and later, rescued by the Rescue Rangers, Conrad was told to replace Flash as the new hero of the show as Conrad the Wonder Bird. When Flash returned to the studio while trying to escape an angry mob, he tried to ask Conrad for help - only to have Conrad think he was a "mad dog" and have the people think Flash was trying to attack Conrad for taking over his role as part of his "revenge." After Flash continued to escape, Conrad was later birdnapped by Fat Cat (disguised as Flash again). Everyone tried to stop him but they wouldn't dare because "Flash" was holding Conrad hostage and threatened to harm him if anyone came any closer.

Luckily, the real Flash witnessed the whole thing; realizing why people were coming after him and with a little persuasion of Chip and Dale, he finally overcame his fear of heights, rescued Conrad, and unmasked Fat Cat, much to the surprising shock of everyone; including the people watching on TV (thanks to Gadget, Monterey Jack, and Zipper). Unfortunately, Fat Cat was able to hold Conrad hostage again and threatened to "pluck" him if Flash came any closer. Then, the Rescue Rangers came along and helped Flash and Conrad by flushing Fat Cat and his gang away with a hose spraying water. Flash regained respect and gratitude from everyone; including Conrad and the Rescue Rangers.

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Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Media Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (episodesvideography) • Chip 'n' Dale's Excellent AdventuresNES game (sequel) • The Adventure in Nimnul's CastleDisney ComicsThe Great Quake Hazard HuntRescue Rangers Fire Safety AdventureGadget's Go CoasterBoom! Studios comicsRescue Rangers Raceway
Characters Main Rescue Rangers (ChipDaleGadgetMonterey JackZipper)
Allies SpunkyDonald Drake and PlatoFlash the Wonder DogConrad CockatooTammyFoxgloveThe Pi-RatsCanina La FurHarryHarrietTomMacDuffMidgeClyde CosgroveSteggyMrs. BoobyBaby BoobyNemoChirp Sing
Villains Fat CatFat Cat's Gang (Mepps, Mole, Wart, and Snout) • Professor Norton NimnulAldrin KlordaneCruiser and BruiserPercyLahwhinieChef ArnieWinifredIrwina AllenMr. DumptyThe Siamese Twin GangJack and NickelsKismetSewernose de BergeracBilly the SquidBuffy RatzkiwatzkiBudLouErolZsa Zsa LabradorMaltese de SadeLe Sewer and RatatouilleCaptain FinnAll Hands and Mr. StarfishSu Lin

Other characters

MandyRoger BaskervilleLord HowieMr. GribbishMrs. SweeneyToddClarence DudleyCheddarhead CharlieCamembert KateWild Bill HiccupLunaJeremySpirit of the LampHumphrey the BearMr. SneedEaglewoodFrenchieDirk SuaveOddshoeGeegaw HackwrenchBinkMrs. SquirrelEmperor Dim Sun
Objects Ranger PlaneRanger WingRanger MobileGyrotankMeal-O-MaticScreaming Eagle