The Disney Afternoon Wiki

Ludwig Von Drake on DuckTales

Professor Ludwig Von Drake is an anthropomorphic duck created by Walt Disney. The paternal uncle of Donald Duck, he is portrayed as a brilliant, yet eccentric lecturer, scientist, and psychiatrist, who frequently displays his vast array of "expert" knowledge on a variety of subjects.

Ludwig debuted as a presenter in An Adventure in Color, part of the first episode of Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color on NBC, making him the first Disney animated character created specifically for television.

Appearances in Disney Afternoon media[]

TV episodes[]



Quack Pack[]

Raw Toonage[]

  • Ludwig Von Drake makes two guest appearances in the episodes 1 and 8, as an expert in toon-physics.

Comic stories[]

External links[]

Media DuckTales (Episode list) • VideographyGladstone comicMagazineVideo game (HD remakeSoundtrack) • Disney ComicsThe Quest for GoldDuckTales 2DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (soundtrack) • Boom! Studios comicScrooge's Loot
Characters Heroes and allies Scrooge McDuckHuey, Dewey and LouieLaunchpad McQuackWebby VanderquackBentina BeakleyDuckworthGyro GearlooseDoofus DrakeFenton CrackshellDonald DuckLudwig Von DrakeBubba the Cave DuckTootsie the TriceratopsGene the GenieGlittering GoldieAdmiral GrimmitzMrs. CrackshellKing HomerQueen Ariel
Recurring villains The Beagle Boys (Big Time, Burger, Bouncer, Baggy, Bankjob, Bugle, Babyface, and Megabyte) • Ma BeagleBeagle BratsFlintheart GlomgoldCirceKa-Hoo-FuMagica De SpellPoe De SpellEl CapitanMerlock the MagicianDijonSarkusCinnamon TealPeteFritter O'WayDiddle O'WayThe SirensYuckalindaFrontier Beagle BoysMillionara Vanderbucks
Other characters Little HelperLuckyPlutoGabby McDrakeMinima De SpellRipcord McQuackBirdie McQuackLoopey McQuackBlackjackRhubarb McQuackMarilynAphroduckyVulcanThe Garbled OneMoorloonLesdredFiller BrushbillArmstrong
Locations DuckburgThe Money BinMcDuck ManorValley of the Golden SunsAtlantisFountain of YouthScotland
Objects Number One DimeJunior Woodchucks GuidebookGizmosuitMillennium ShortcutGolden GooseWebby's Quacky Patch Doll
Media Raw ToonageBonkers (EpisodesVideo releases) • Super NES gameSega game
Quack Pack
Media Quack Pack (Episode list)
Characters Huey, Dewey and LouieDonald DuckLudwig Von DrakeGwumpkiKent PowersDaisy DuckAgent XNelly the DragonThe ClawKnucklesDr. Horton LetrekPlutoGustav GooseSlagErnest NobleHenry VillanovaSoo LingDr. William Wu