The Disney Afternoon Wiki

"Oh, Sweeney, you little dickens. Someday, you'll be more famous than Betty What's-her-name, more popular than that old Colonel fella, and more important, you'll be rich. Rich! Rich! RICH!"
—Mrs. Sweeney

Mrs. Sweeney is the main antagonist of the Rescue Rangers episode "Pie in the Sky".


Physical appearance[]

Mrs. Sweeney is noticeably shorter than her son Todd. Because of this, she often has to use a stepladder to reach Todd's head.

Role in the episode[]

Mrs. Sweeney is a businesswoman who owns a bakery out in the middle of nowhere. She seeks to make a fortune by selling chicken pies. However, since chickens are costly, she decides to get wild birds for free and use them as pie filling. At the top of her hideout, she installs a solar-powered electromagnet in order to lead migrating birds astray. But since she wants to keep the machine well-hidden, she insists that the magnetism be kept to a minimum. She constantly tries to tell her son Todd not to turn up the magnetism so high.


  • Mrs. Sweeney is named for Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

External links[]

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Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Media Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (episodesvideography) • Chip 'n' Dale's Excellent AdventuresNES game (sequel) • The Adventure in Nimnul's CastleDisney ComicsThe Great Quake Hazard HuntRescue Rangers Fire Safety AdventureGadget's Go CoasterBoom! Studios comicsRescue Rangers Raceway
Characters Main Rescue Rangers (ChipDaleGadgetMonterey JackZipper)
Allies SpunkyDonald Drake and PlatoFlash the Wonder DogConrad CockatooTammyFoxgloveThe Pi-RatsCanina La FurHarryHarrietTomMacDuffMidgeClyde CosgroveSteggyMrs. BoobyBaby BoobyNemoChirp Sing
Villains Fat CatFat Cat's Gang (Mepps, Mole, Wart, and Snout) • Professor Norton NimnulAldrin KlordaneCruiser and BruiserPercyLahwhinieChef ArnieWinifredIrwina AllenMr. DumptyThe Siamese Twin GangJack and NickelsKismetSewernose de BergeracBilly the SquidBuffy RatzkiwatzkiBudLouErolZsa Zsa LabradorMaltese de SadeLe Sewer and RatatouilleCaptain FinnAll Hands and Mr. StarfishSu Lin

Other characters

MandyRoger BaskervilleLord HowieMr. GribbishMrs. SweeneyToddClarence DudleyCheddarhead CharlieCamembert KateWild Bill HiccupLunaJeremySpirit of the LampHumphrey the BearMr. SneedEaglewoodFrenchieDirk SuaveOddshoeGeegaw HackwrenchBinkMrs. SquirrelEmperor Dim Sun
Objects Ranger PlaneRanger WingRanger MobileGyrotankMeal-O-MaticScreaming Eagle