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Rescue Rangers

"Rescue Rangers away!"
—The Rescue Rangers' cry

The Rescue Rangers are the main characters of the TV series Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. They are a team of sentient anthropomorphic animals who use their genius-level intelligence, their knowledge of hand-to-hand combat, and their high-tech gadgets and weapons to protect the innocent and fight the forces of evil. Their members are Chip, Dale, Zipper, Monterey Jack, and Gadget Hackwrench. Despite the fact that they often interact with humans (and one of their arch-nemesis, Professor Nimnul, is a human), humans can't understand what they are saying.

During Solego's attack, Solego used his powers to possess Dale, but the rest of the Rescue Rangers managed to free Dale from his influence.



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Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Media Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (episodesvideography) • Chip 'n' Dale's Excellent AdventuresNES game (sequel) • The Adventure in Nimnul's CastleDisney ComicsThe Great Quake Hazard HuntRescue Rangers Fire Safety AdventureGadget's Go CoasterBoom! Studios comicsRescue Rangers Raceway
Characters Main Rescue Rangers (ChipDaleGadgetMonterey JackZipper)
Allies SpunkyDonald Drake and PlatoFlash the Wonder DogConrad CockatooTammyFoxgloveThe Pi-RatsCanina La FurHarryHarrietTomMacDuffMidgeClyde CosgroveSteggyMrs. BoobyBaby BoobyNemoChirp Sing
Villains Fat CatFat Cat's Gang (Mepps, Mole, Wart, and Snout) • Professor Norton NimnulAldrin KlordaneCruiser and BruiserPercyLahwhinieChef ArnieWinifredIrwina AllenMr. DumptyThe Siamese Twin GangJack and NickelsKismetSewernose de BergeracBilly the SquidBuffy RatzkiwatzkiBudLouErolZsa Zsa LabradorMaltese de SadeLe Sewer and RatatouilleCaptain FinnAll Hands and Mr. StarfishSu Lin

Other characters

MandyRoger BaskervilleLord HowieMr. GribbishMrs. SweeneyToddClarence DudleyCheddarhead CharlieCamembert KateWild Bill HiccupLunaJeremySpirit of the LampHumphrey the BearMr. SneedEaglewoodFrenchieDirk SuaveOddshoeGeegaw HackwrenchBinkMrs. SquirrelEmperor Dim Sun
Objects Ranger PlaneRanger WingRanger MobileGyrotankMeal-O-MaticScreaming Eagle